- Tomal Bormon

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Tuesday, October 9, 2018

  Yesterday, I survived the gang rape for a few seconds

 Mahim   comes home and has changed clothes.

 The body feels tired. After every E-blood blood, it feels a little weak. 

 Eyes are lying on the floor.

 But the barbaric Afrien's elegant sensual face was fluttering in front of her eyes.  She looked at Mahim's sleeping face.

 But there is no reason for such love to Mahim.

 Even a strange girl.

 But she will love her too.

 What is the look or why it is blowing in front of the eye.

 Before that many girls have seen.

 From the beautiful and met with a beautiful beautiful girl.

 I did not mind. Why is that so today? Mahim is not finding any answer.

 Having put his hands on his hands, trying to find out the answer of his face.

 You still do not know Mahim's identity.

Now let's know.

 Mahim is still studying. Now Honors will test the final year.

 His father, and his family with younger brother's sisters.

 Mahim's father is a teacher.

 The Vice-Principal of the college is in charge.

 Mahim family is the eldest son.

 Fahim is two years younger than Fahim and Fahim.

 Mysah is less than one and a half years old.

 Fahim is passing the honors HSC. His wish is that he will be in medicine.

 Fahim is coaching. And Maisha is Saba.

 He admitted to the intermediate hayechemahimera the beloved brother chotadui  bonaebara be identified geloebara Let's return, then from here.

 After two hours, Afrin broke the sleep.

 He could not remember anything at first.

 Kayle tried to take the second time in suspense.

 He could now understand that he is in the hospital now.

But how did he come here? So he was chatting with Naima in college.

 I do not remember anything.

 Afrin's mother was sitting in a bowl close to Afrin's head.

 And Nima and Toma were sitting beside them.

 They were sitting for Afrin sitting on a lot of anxieties.

 But even though they were opening their eyes, their thinking was cut short.

 Afrin tried to lift his head from Shua, but Parlona.

 Afrin's mother - why are you going to camel? It is not good at all. The body is not  good at all. Stay in the same way.

Bandage in his hand.

Making a bandage and writing.

The pain is very painful. The body is unable to understand. 

I want to say it. But it is difficult to move the face. 

Some parts of the head are suffering due to it. 

So they can not speak. 

Trying to remember what happened to him. 

He thought he was angry with them and went to cross the road and remembered him.

 Ralo this situation and understand why hayecheara was meant to be here at this time.

When Afridi thought of Mahim's sleep, he could not sleep. 

Mahm went down in the sleeping country.

Mahim's father returned from college for half an hour.

 Mahima's mother sent Maisha to Mahim's room to take Mahim.

 She was sitting with a meal. 

Eating was already done every day. But today it is a little late.

Misha entered the call room to call Mahim

Mysabhaiya, that brother

There is no response. Mahmud is lying on the right side and moans.

Maisha is calling her mother. She is growing up. Come on to eat rice.

Now he did not get any resistance. Then he poked his face.

Maishaaaike, brother is asleep, brother is sleeping. Now what will happen. I never sleep in this time. So why is he sleeping like this today. He was sleeping. He is sleeping. So he is sleeping.

Misha entered the dining room

Mahim's MKKirir Mahim is coming.

Myasamma brother is asleep.

Mahmud's mother, sleeping in Abbele. That's why I never sleep. 

So why did you fall asleep suddenly?

Maisha: I know, I did not call my brother to sleep and then called

Mahim's father was also lying in bed. Maybe sleep has come.

 So sleeping.

Mahim's mother, there is a tick. This income is boss. We do not eat. Maham will eat the camel.

 (Who said to Misha)

Maisha took the chair next to her mother. 

She told me to eat rice in my father's plate and to increase the rice.

 He took rice and rice and started eating it. Everyone started to eat. 

After coming to Hospitale, four friends of Afrin were calling home and telling Afrin about the accident, but they are going to return home. 

But now it is going to be evening. Nima and Tamma left the house and left for home.

Sayem and Rafi have told Afrin about the accident in the house. 

But now it is evening. They will have to go to the place.

 But leaving them alone in this hospital alone, how will they go to their home. 

They are preventing the conscience of the two. 

So, they can not leave alone. 

It must be reached. Because the mother is alone at home. 

The family is also abroad. There is no other sister or sister.

 She can not stay in this house alone in this way. He'll have to go.

You know that the mother alone is alone at home

Rafi knew about Ruh.

I can not keep Sayemma alone at home and I am not able to leave Ray Ankle Aunt so alone.

Rafi: Oh, how they look left alone. Besides, there are at least two men's needs here.

Sayemahhamah, well, if you do not go home, there will be no problem. 

Your elder brother and uncle are at home. Apart from you who are not friends.

Rafi Before I phoned home, see what the father said.


 Then call the phone

If Rafi asked to call his father's mobile phone, his father allowed him to stay

Rafabhaba allowed to stay.

Sayam: I knew I would not mind. If you stay then I have to leave. And I'll be in the morning.


Sayem Afrin's mother went out of her father's house. Rafi brought him back in the car and came back again.

After the evening the doctor came in round. 

Afridi checked that .. All the body has been in pain. 

The body can not move. Writing medicines for the pain of pain.

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