Love story 2 - Tomal Bormon

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Monday, October 8, 2018

Love story 2

Story 2

When the office meeting was going on Dad's phone call Only after receiving the  receipt said, 'Come home in the afternoon train'.
 I asked, 'Why, what has happened?' Dad said in a little voice, 'I told you to come,  please.
 I will eat together at night. 'I kept the phone saying okay.
 Even though the meeting was going on, but there was no attention in the meeting,  wondering what happened, why the urgent summons etc.
 After finishing the meeting, I started calling the person's home, but no answer was  found. Mother said, 'I do not know, you ask your father.'
 But due to the fear that my father received from the small age, I did not have the  courage to call my father.

After leaving the office empty-handed, just after noon, I went to Ula to the railway  station. At eight o'clock in the night to reach home.
 Father sitting in the chair in front of the kitchen, Mother cooked food and cooked.  Both are very normal.
 I did not know anything about the incident.
 By saluting my father, I greeted my mother and sat in my room.
 In the meantime, the mother came and said, 'There are lunches in your wardrobe,  there is a lot, then come, your father is sitting on the table'.
 As soon as sitting on the dining table, Dad asked, 'why are you black?' I put my hand  on my forehead and said, 'Where are you?' My father said, 'I see the ink is down, do  not wash the mouthpiece well,' or '! I said, 'Not all is well. After a long time, it seems  like it is Dad said, 'OK. Sleep fast as you eat. 

 The night will not do much. Must be out in the morning ' I whispered  and asked, 'what has happened and where will I go'? In the meantime, Amma Plate  gave rice.
 Dad said to take the rice, 'I will say that in the morning, now eat'.
 I started eating without questioning. Dad said, 'that empty clothes were not brought in  the hand'? I said, 'I have been coming from the office, I could not go home and could  not catch the train'.
 Dad did not say anything.
 The mother came to her room after the meal. I asked, 'Amma said, what happened,  why father called so urgently?' Amma said, 'I do not know anything, I asked your  father, she did not say anything'.

 Then it was talking about it with Amma. At one time, Amma said, 'sleep now, you  have to wake up in the morning'.
 My father never called me to sleep, but he came to the room early in the morning and  gave a knock. I broke the stomach and said, 'Oh father'. Father said, 'Get up, go out'.
 I got up and went out with my father.
 Called one of the shopkeepers in the sadar market, call them. Buy a blue-colored  Punjabi.
 I did not understand why.

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